Golden Empire Choir Competition 4-18-09

Carly is the top row 2nd from the right!!!

Carly and the choir class went to Golden Empire Choir Competition. It was actually kind of neat. I sat through one performance before her school. It was neat because they actually critiqued them right then and there. Of course when Carly's school was getting critiqued, she checked out. I look over and she was yawning and looking totally the opposite direction of the critiquer and then she really just started zoning. I was really glad they didn't make them get off the stage right away for fear that Carly would totally fall since she wasn't paying attention. It was pretty funny to see her (the only one not listening) up on stage. I could tell she was mad that this comptetition cut into her Saturday sleep in time. The only good thing about it was that she was actually wearing shoes not slippers this time.

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