Kitchen Remodel 5-28-2009

The walls are up and the roof is going on..... Should be totally enclosed again by the end of the week! Roof Material, Sheet Rock, Cabinets, Tile and Paint and we should be done. Looking at the week of July 4th for completion date.

View from back of the house

View from the front of the house

1 comment:

Dina said...

Hey there lady
I was checking my links on my blog and linked to Kara's and then linked to yours.

But I was on facebook (feel like a stalker) and was searching around for people I know. Long story short I found the jacobsen's (their son Kevin was my first love in high school) and saw your Kevin and Niki in some pictures at a wedding. How do you guys know them? Or were you just at a wedding that they happened to be at and have no clue what I am talking about:)
email me -
