On Our Way Home 7-8-08

We arrived at Gatwick Airport to go through about 5 different checkpoints (we have 1 checkpoint they have a ton of them). The flight was 10 hours and very long but again with the help of Tylenol PM I was able sleep most of the way and the flight wasn't that bad. We just arrived through customs in houston. We are safe and sound. Very tired. Sorry I did not contact you all while I was gone but my phone did not end up working while we were there. So I was disconnected from life as I know it. I made it though. We had a fabulous time seeing all the sights. I am not sure what was my favorite yet. I need to look over pictures and remember all that we went to. It was all pretty amazing. Met lots of new people on the trip. Well I will arrive in Sacramento around 8 pm tonight (Sac time). Sorry again for not staying in contact.

1 comment:

Monique said...

You've put me to shame! I loved reading your posts about the trip. Thanks for all the fun memories!