Well, Moving day came quicker than I thought. I guess I was trying to prolong Nikki moving out as long as I could but the day is finally here. We all headed down on Friday the 8th to do the walk thru and to move in the stuff that would fit in the cars that we had taken. That went very well. We went to the grocery store and then went to our favorite hangout spot for dinner (Dave and Busters). We all slept on the floors with blankets that night. Early Saturday morning, Kevin and Gil drove up with the trailer. We unpacked it in record time. We had an awesome system going. After parking the truck and trailer, we all got to work on putting everything away. By 1 o'clockish we had everything done. It was so nice. The kids love it. I havent actually talked to Nikki about her feelings about being there without
US but I am sure that she is going to do fine.