Professional Bull Riders Rodeo 1-18-09

So Carly and I wanted to see a PBR, we watch it on TV ocassionally and Kevin has to tell us what everything is, so we found out that they were coming to town and we got tickets to go see the PBR. We arrived at Arco Arena not knowing what to expect (at least Carly and I didn't. We decided to walk around the concourse before it started to see what they had and to get some food. We ended up running into Jeanne Strong (a family friend) and her son does PR for the PBR. So she ended up getting her son to give us a backstage tour before the show. It was so cool to see where all the bulls were and the chutes. Some of the cowboys had come out as well so Carly was fortunate enough to get soem pictures with them before the show. The show was amazing and we were in awe of everything that happens during the show. At the end the cowboys come out and sign autographs. So of course we waited for Carly to get all of their signatures. We had bought her a white hat at the beginning, but by the end it was no longer white(too many signatures). It was a blast for all of us.

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