Nikki's Accident 8-4-09

Well I got the call that Nikki had been in an accident today. I felt so helpless. I always new that I would get that call since she is older now and not living in the same town...I really thought I had more time to prepare myself for it though. I guess we can mever be prepared enough for the things that life throws at us. Nikki was on the freeway in the fast lane doing about 65mph, she saw a guys in the slow lane kind of pulling into the gravel...she kept going thinking nothing other thatn he was pulling off the road kind of fast...when out of the blue he came 3 lanes over and tagged the back passenger door and back tire...sent her into a few spins and the car almost went airborne. She was extremely shaken up but handled the situation very well. Nikki was with her friend and so her friends parents helped with the on scene stuff. Thanks to them!!! Once we got Nikki calmed down and she got her TACO BELL (that is where she was headed when this happened). We sent a tow truck with the Jetta down to pick up the camry. She was without a car for about a month. She did not like driving the Jetta but at least we had something for her to drive.

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