Carly's knees 3-12-09

Well we got a little bad news today from Carly's Athletic Trainer. Carly has complained about her knees hurting for years. I would take her to the doctor and she would miraculously be fine. So after a while we just thought she was the little girl who cried wolf. So I always just blew her off. Told her to ice them and get over it. What any good mom would have done. hehehe. Anyway so I was talking to the Athletic Trainer and she told me that her knee caps were not where they are supossed to be which is putting pressure on her tendons below the knee. So I gave her the option of going to see Dr. Nakano (her normal peditrician) or Dr. Ferguson (chiropractor). She chose Dr. Ferguson (we call him Fergie). So we went in and had him take X-rays and they showed that her growth plate is actually moving away from her bone. Which as you have probably guess is NOT good. So then as her examined her more he found out that her hips are out of alignment and that she is taller on one side than the other. So he is taking care of that problem for her. As for the knees, unless we want to take her out of high school soccer which only consists of about 8 weeks total anyway, she just has to wear some knee sleeves that fit tightly over her knee and keep it in place. After soccer is over this year we will take new X-Rays and decide if it has gotten better or worse and then decide to take her to Dr. Nakano and find out if she will actually need surgery. Hopefully that is the very worst case scenario. So now we wait..........

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